Path Of Exile Vendor Recipes Guide (2024)

  • How Does League Mechanic Work In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - A Detailed Explanation For You

    With 3.25 update, Path of Exile introduces one of the most ambitious leagues in its history: Settlers of Kalguur. This league incorporates typical elements of real-time strategy (RTS) games, bringing fundamental changes to players’ currency acquisition, building construction, and overall game experience.

    The key point is that players can directly participate in the game. You will be responsible for managing your own town and must use all new tools and functions to maximize resource output.

    Some people think that this league is equivalent to a separate game world within the game, so it is particularly important to familiarize yourself with the mechanics of Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur League. Doing so will help players quickly adapt to the environment when they first enter, and avoid feeling confused or overwhelmed.

    League Mechanics

    Players will open a new area called Kingsmarch. In this area, players can build various facilities, such as farms, mines, and docks. The core purpose of these buildings is to recruit workers and collect resources in order to upgrade and use these additional features. Each new feature brings a new gameplay that players can explore, and we will explain these mechanics one by one.

    Base Management

    From your base or town hall, you can monitor almost all activities. You can observe the ore you collect from the map and process it into bars suitable for other uses. Under each area, a tooltip will be displayed, which will show you how many workers are assigned to that area. You can assign workers to mining operations, convert all collected ore into smelted bars, or have them manage your crops.

    Recruiting Workers

    Settlers of Kalguur has made gold a required resource for recruiting workers, which represents a major fresh change for the alliance. Before this, gold had not been introduced in the game. Players need gold to hire workers and pay them for completing tasks. Workers will be hired at the town hall, and each worker will be assigned to complete specific tasks. Workers with higher skills will cost more.

    You’ll need to manage your gold resources carefully, as gold is in demand in multiple ways, including POE Currency exchange market, besides being used for recruiting and paying workers.

    Resource Farming

    As you go about your regular map farming, you’ll discover resource points. This process can be compared to a ritual mechanic with an altar that continually spawns enemies. The rarity of a resource is proportional to the difficulty of the enemies you encounter. Once these challenges are overcome, the resources can be extracted, but this requires you to have idle workers to mine them.

    Map Devices

    One of the most exciting new features in Kingsmarch is the ability to build new map devices. You can have up to three devices, place maps in them, and assign a worker to complete them. These maps offer you different rewards depending on the type of map you’re using. Maps with higher risks mean higher potential rewards.

    With workers who specialize in combat or mapmaking, they can significantly reduce the risk of completing a map. If these workers fail, they can’t be revived, forcing you to spend more gold to recruit replacements.

    Exploration At Sea

    This mechanic also applies to dock operations, where you can send workers to trade or collect resources. There can be risks when sailing at sea, so you need the best workers to minimize the possibility of failure.

    Remember, every decision in Kingsmarch may affect your resource output and town development. Start your exploration and wish you success in Settlers of Kalguur League!

  • Hello fellow Exiles! With Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League just around the corner, I'm back with my Toxic Rain Pathfinder!

    Settlers of Kalguur brought a lot of nerfs and buffs to the build, but the nerfs only affect Uber Endgame, not the league start. And I fixed a lot of the nerfs on the build, so I can still say with certainty that this is still one of the safest builds for the league start.

    Toxic Rain

    First, I’ll walk you through the core skills of the build, and then I’ll cover the changes to the skill in POE 3.25.

    Our skill of choice is Toxic Rain. Fire a projectile with a bow, and where it lands, Spore Pods will spawn, which will start dealing constant Chaos damage in an area, and they can overlap each other.

    We need to hit the 39% increased area threshold. Of these, 20% with Bow Mastery and 9% with simple gloves craft. For the rest, you have two options: The first is a 10% increased craft from our Amulet. The second is a 10% increased craft from Helmets Implicit. But you don’t have to worry about this until late game!


    Let’s talk about the nerfs to Toxic Rain Pathfinder in POE 3.25 first.

    The first nerf is that they just removed Divine Blessing Setup Support from the game. Many builds are using this Support Gem because it gives you a free Aura.

    The removal of this Support Gem cost us about 13% of our damage here. The problem is that they did this without any compensation. As you can imagine, it must feel bad when your build is nerfed.

    Next up is Physical Damage taken as Elements got a pretty serious nerf. They removed this mod from Taste of Hate, removed the craftable mod from Crafting Bench, and removed Watcher’s Eye mod associated with this stat. Sadly, there is no compensation for this either.

    This is a pretty obvious change if you are aiming to tank Uber Pinnacle Boss, but don’t worry, I found a solution to this problem.


    However, we also get buffs.

    The first buff isn’t too big, they just reduce the mana cost by 1. This small change will help us use Toxic Rain almost for free so that we can abandon Eldritch Battery, but we are still using it in the early game.

    The next one is a slightly bigger buff. They changed Increased Duration Support to More Duration Support. In the early game, we would use this gem before getting empower. But with this change, this Support Gem could become a competitive choice in the mid- and even late-game.

    Clear Speed

    Next, let’s talk about the clear speed of this build. I have to say that Toxic Rain’s clearing effect is very poor.

    Here, we will use its performance in Uber Cortex map as an example. To be honest, its clear speed is not too fast, but this is Uber Cortex and monsters take 70% damage. So you will only use Toxic Rain on very difficult content, like Ubers or Tier 17 maps.

    Most of the time, you will swap Toxic Rain for Caustic Arrow and Arrow Nova Support. This way, your clear speed will be very fast and you can wipe out Expedition and Legion with just a few clicks.

    By the way, you don’t need to run Petrified Blood on the map, you can just switch to Grace Aura and enjoy the ride. The main reason I like this build so much is the tanking. You can face 90% of the content. Of course, you need to spend more POE Currency on your gear instead of just using day one gear.

    Passive Tree

    Let’s break down Passive Tree of this build, which is the most important to have a good leveling experience.

    You can see the bottom level 13, click on it and get a drop-down menu and select your current level for the corresponding tree. It will cover from level 1 to level 94!

    When you finish your first lab, you only need to add a small node to the level 34 tree, and Wasting, Entropy, and Blood Drinker are all good choices.

    Another node about the level 55 tree. Your first goal is to take Entropy node in this tree, and then continue the path you saw before.

    Also, there is a notable node missing here. For the map progression, we are going to first pick up Reservation Wheels so that you can use more Aura, and if you reach 500 Energy Shield, then you can use Eldritch Battery.

    Bandits And Pantheons

    Maybe you will be curious about Bandits and Pantheons. Actually, it is very simple.

    Bandits: Click on Configuration tab under General, select Kill All Three. This is a very simple choice, because the others are not very useful to us.

    Pantheons: Choose Soul of Garukhan and upgrade it as soon as possible to get Freeze Immunity and reduce the cold effect inflicted on you. Secondly, Soul of Garukhan reduces Shock effect. When you get 100% Avoid Elemental Ailments, you’ll want to switch to it.

    Final Thoughts

    Overall, I hope you’ll find this League Starter Build useful. Toxic Rain Pathfinder is one of my favorite combinations of skills and Ascendancy class. Also, Pathfinder Ascendancy is very flexible, so you can easily re-select other skills if you want.

    I know everyone wants to try out the new melee variations, the new Warden Ascendancy and more, but if there are some people who like to play it safe while exploring the map and try something new, then this build guide is for them. See you next time!

  • What Are The Important Changes In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Top 8 For You

    Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur shocked everyone when the trailer and announcement were released. The appearance of 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur will make the whole Scarab, T17 maps and all other leagues pale in comparison. POE 3.25 will be officially released on July 26th, and it will bring a lot of changes. This article will explain the biggest and most important changes.

    1. Complete Melee Rework

    In this update, the base damage of melee skill gems has been significantly increased. Although the core mechanism of most skills has not changed, the increase in base damage is particularly prominent when these gems are upgraded to level 20 and above. In order to not limit the melee play style to static gameplay, the development team decided to completely remove totems.

    2. Remove Magic Find Builds

    This is a major change made to the game. This change has a profound impact on the market and players’ farming strategies. Now, players are no longer forced to create Magic Find builds to get more loot, so farming efficiency is no longer the only focus of building competition. This change allows players to focus more on speed, strength, and stability when building without worrying about others’ farming results surpassing their own.

    3. Introduce New Item levels And More

    Since the aura effect is weakened, defense capabilities need to be strengthened accordingly. This enhancement will be achieved by introducing new item levels, which will provide higher basic attributes, such as higher maximum health, etc.

    In addition, a new set of chisel tools will be introduced in the game to improve the efficiency of map utilization. Maven’s chisel can increase the drop rate of the map according to its type. Players can use these new chisels to increase the output of POE Currency, scarab drops, etc. on the map.

    4. Introduce Gold Currency And A Currency Exchange Market

    Path of Exile is about to welcome the two biggest additions in its history, the introduction of Gold as a currency and Currency Exchange Market. Now, players will drop gold when they defeat enemies, which can be used to reconfigure passive skills, exchange items on the black market, and pay fees in Settlers of Kalguur league mechanic, etc.

    Despite this, the use of gold is still somewhat limited, because other natural currencies in the game, such as Divine Orbs and Chaos Orbs, still play an important role in the game economy.

    The introduction of a Currency Exchange Market will enable players to easily exchange one currency for any currency they need. The price on the market is determined by the orders of buyers and sellers, which is similar to the way most game markets operate, such as Steam’s marketplace, and even has similarities to real-life stock exchanges.

    5. Nameless Seer Map Scrying

    This mechanic was first tested in Necropolis League, allowing players to merge the loot table of one map into another map by using Divination Scarab of Curation. Now, this mechanic has been implemented into Nameless Seer, allowing players to scry the loot table of a map of their choice to another map.

    For example, players can add rare items, such as the loot table of Crimson Temple map to maps like Strand or Beach. By farming these Strand or Beach maps, players will have a chance to obtain the most precious loot in the game.

    6. Bring Old League Mechanics

    Veteran players will be excited about the return of popular features from previous leagues. The most notable of these features are Recombinators from Sentinel League, which allow players to craft items in a more deterministic way. In addition, Sentinels have been introduced, which can enhance the difficulty of enemies and increase loot at the same time. However, these buffs appear as shrines on the map rather than as standalone items.

    In addition, the reflection mechanic from Kalandra league has been added to the game, and players can choose between reflection items to increase positive and negative values. Reflecting Mist item has been introduced, which can split an item into two, each gaining the reflection property.

    Wildwood area from Affliction League is back in the game, but this time completing it only increases the loot of the map you are currently exploring.

    Despite the return of many past league mechanics, the development team seems to have decided to skip Crucible League. This decision seems reasonable. Because the league pushes every building to unprecedented new heights.

    7. Warden Ascendancy Replaces Ranger’s Raider Ascendancy

    Ranger’s Raider ascendancy has been replaced by new Warden ascendancy. Players familiar with Affliction League will feel at home with Warden ability, which is similar to Warden Wildwood tree. Warden focuses on elemental damage, which brings new strategies and possibilities to the game, such as the possibility of recreating the glory of Lightning Strike build.

    8. Gladiator Rework

    Gladiator rework also adds a number of damage nodes that can increase attack speed, critical strikes, and weapon damage. These changes make Gladiator ascendancy a new option for powerful melee builds. While Slayer may still hold the top spot, the fresh changes add a lot of unknown and exciting possibilities for future game strategies.

    After introducing many major updates to Path of Exile, Settlers of Kalguur hopes that the game can regain its position as the best ARPG on the market. Despite the significant updates and improvements, it does not mean that player retention will automatically increase. But from the current introduction, these updates are indeed exciting.

  • New Feature Will Be Launched In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur - Currency Exchange Market

    On July 26, Settlers of Kalguur are about to be released, and we can finally welcome a new league. This is great news for our POE players! We can’t wait to learn more about the new league.

    Recently, the developer finally introduced in detail a Currency Exchange Market that will be launched in Settlers of Kalguur, and how players can trade in POE 3.25. These contents have caused a lot of discussion. Let’s discuss it today!

    We are sure that Settlers of Kalguur will bring some big changes, according to the name of POE 3.25. In fact, we can also roughly infer that we will go to a new world called Kalguur, and our task should be to settle in a new town.

    For example, it has been confirmed that a new town will be introduced, called Kingsmarch. This place can trade with the entire Wraeclast. This town has a trend of urban construction, quality-of-life upgrades, and we can eventually get gold in it. Currency Exchange Market in Settlers of Kalguur makes it easier to trade POE Currency.

    Both old and new players of Path of Exile have complained and dissatisfied with the existing trading system. Because if we want to trade, we have to use third-party websites, and even communicate with each other through these websites. But you are not sure whether it is reliable. There is a lot of false information and robot interference, which makes this trading process more complicated.

    In fact, many people think that adding a Currency Exchange Market is a general trend, because Path of Exile Currency Exchange Market is originally part of gold, and its appearance is a more detailed supplement to ARPG.

    Before this, the developers have always tried to avoid using fantasy genre’s most famous legal tender, but now value of gold and other currencies has been declining, which is not a good thing for us, so the developers want to change. Now this new Currency Exchange Market is a very important part of player-to-player trading system.

    POE game insiders also said that this new Currency Exchange Market can only be used in this new league, and the method of use is also fixed. We need to go to a new town Kingsmarch, find an NPC in this town, called Faustus, and then you can use this feature.

    Of course, you don’t need to go to Kingsmarch every time you use Currency Exchange Market, otherwise it will be too troublesome. We just need to invite Faustus to your hideout, so that we can use this feature at ordinary times without going to Kingsmarch every time. This design is quite considerate for players.

    How do we use this Currency Exchange Market? First, we use this new UI. We first have to choose what we can trade, such as Currency, Items. After selecting, we are ready to trade, and then a window will pop up on game page, telling me which items are commonly used in these transactions. We can also keep track of the general trends in the economy, so that we can maintain a keen sense of trade and understand what kind of items are most suitable for trading at the moment.

    Once you are satisfied with your choice, you will have to choose a rate. It is not recommended that you set this rate arbitrarily, because this rate is related to the amount you trade. And we have to pay a certain amount of gold according to the amount we trade.

    Some people are speculating that there may be some problems and unreasonableness in the former use of the Currency Exchange Market in Settlers of Kalguur. However, as time goes by, the value of gold may reach a balance in the medium term, and in the later stages of the game, it will become insignificant and just a symbol of cost.

    The new gold currency cannot be traded with other players, which is actually a protection for us players. Because this ensures that only actual players are playing the game, avoiding robots loading free steam games and abusing the system.

    Finally, we just need to trade the prepared items with the players and wait for the transaction to be completed. During the transaction, we don’t have to stay in this transaction interface all the time. We can exit halfway, but at this time we can only take the items that are already in the transaction.

    In addition, gold has other uses in this new league, including recruiting workers, building buildings, etc. Of course, you can also use gold for other core game mechanics. For example, gambling, respeccing, and exchanging for certain items. These can be said to be an exceptional quality of life, and can even affect the future development of Path of Exile.

    The above content is the explanation and analysis of this new Currency Exchange Market. I am looking forward to the arrival of July 26, so that we can experience the new features ourselves.

  • Unveiling The Core Content Of Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur League!

    Path of Exile 3.25 is set to launch next week on July 26th, and here we’re unveiling some of the key content for Settlers of Kalguur League to help you get ready before you jump into the game!

    In this guide, we’ll take you deep into the new Settlers of Kalguur Challenge League. We’ll cover the mechanics of League, the old and new crafting systems for League, the new trade market system for currency, overall balance improvements including two Ascendancy Class changes, endgame improvements, and some quality of life feature changes.

    Settlers Of Kalguur Challenge League

    In Settlers of Kalguur, you’ll meet some familiar faces from Expedition League. Dannig, Rog, Tujen, and Gwennen are Kalguuran people who are trying to establish trade between Wraeclast and their homeland.

    They have recruited many outstanding people from Wraeclast, but they are also seeking the help of powerful Exiles like you.

    You will first meet King’s Hand, Johan, at Lioneye’s Watch, where he is recruiting workers, traders, and Exiles. Johan has been sent here by order of King of Kalguur to build a new city called Kingsmarch, which is intended to be a trading center between Wraeclast and Kalguur.

    He will take you to the planned location of Kingsmarch, and you will find that it will initially be just a tavern in a field. But with your help, it won’t stay that way!

    It takes a lot to build a town. Kalguurans will ask you to find resources that can be used to start construction. During your adventure, you may find minerals such as Crimson Iron, as well as other valuable resources. But dangerous enemies will spawn as you get close, and once you defeat these monsters, the mineral deposits will automatically be marked as mineable.

    We need to find people to do the hard labor. However, this is a trade expedition, and nothing comes for free. Miners, as well as other workers hired in Kalguur, must be paid in cold hard gold.

    Eventually, you can build a Harbor and set up trade routes between multiple different Kalguuran and Karui ports. You can stack your resources on these ships and send them to any port, where your traders will haggle for the best deal.

    Each port returns specific rewards based on what you send. They accept all types of resources, but will have a preferred type that they are currently willing to pay more for.

    Currency Trade-Market

    The next update is absolutely huge: Currency Trade-Market. Kalguurans have recruited an NPC from Heist league, Faustus. He allows you to trade currency and most other stackable items asynchronously with other players without being harassed by price manipulators and people who never respond.

    All you have to do is select POE Currency you want, say what currency you have, and your ideal rate. Faustus will complete the trade for you, as long as there’s someone selling at the same or lower price on the other end.

    Since Faustus is an expert at Black Market trade and shady deals, he also offers another service: offering Items for Gold. These items will spawn randomly, and on average, they will have better modifiers than normal. This can be an excellent way to get some targeted items during the campaign.

    New Endgame Bosses

    There are three endgame bosses in Settlers of Kalguur that will approach your operation and want a piece of the action. These bosses may capture and ransom your workers or even your ship. So you have to think about whether to deal with them head-on or pay them?

    One of these bosses is Sasan, Bandit Lord. You won’t encounter this boss by chance. Instead, this unsavory character may enter your town at night and take your Atlas Runners hostage for ransom. What happens next is up to you. I want to remind you, though, that defeating these bosses can drop new unique items.

    Massive Balance Overhaul

    Next, let’s talk about the balance improvements in POE 3.25.

    Gladiator Rework

    The developers have finally rebalanced Gladiator. Like before, there are some passive skills you can invest in, such as Bleeding and Block. In addition, GGG has added new skills to it to replace some old skills. For example: War of Attrition, which is very useful for long-lasting boss battles.

    Finally, there is a new highlight of the reworked Gladiator, that is, you can invest in the newly added Retaliation skills, but you need to meet specific conditions before you can use them.

    New Ascendancy Class: Warden

    Gladiator is not the only Ascendancy class that has changed. The developers directly removed Raider in POE 3.25, and added a new class in its place: Warden. This class is largely inspired by its predecessor from Affliction League, but there are some changes.

    Warden now focuses on Elemental Attacks, changing the behavior of Shock, enhancing Freeze, and replacing Ignite with Scorch. The class also has Barkskin, a skill that can be used to mitigate the physical damage of hits. After a certain number of hits, it increases your Evasion, making it a good defensive option.

    Finally, the last thing a Warden can specialize in is Tinctures. These are the replacement for flasks in Affliction League. Players can only have one Tincture active at a time, and they require a melee weapon to use. Once activated, they provide powerful buffs. They can drop as magic items, or they can be modified with currency to provide additional bonuses.

    Core Mechanic Improvements

    In addition to Ascendancy class, the developers have revisited many of the core mechanics. After this update, players can easily access them through passive trees, skill gems, and simple items, avoiding all the powerful mechanics being hidden behind layers of complexity.

    Endgame Content

    The arrival of each league introduces a lot of exciting endgame content, and POE 3.25 is no exception! Let’s take a look at the countless changes coming to Settlers of Kalguur.

    First and foremost, the developers are changing many of Scarabs. In addition, they have also added an additional Map Device Slot that will be unlocked after completing your first 10-Way Maven Encounter. This simply allows for more Scarab combinations to be used on the map, resulting in more difficulty and more rewards.

    If you’ve seen the trailer, you should know that new special encounters will be added to Endgame. One of these encounters is Nameless Seer, who lurks in Tier 16 and 17 maps. This NPC will offer you a selection of unique items, and you can pick one up for free.

    In addition, the developers have made some updates to several league mechanics, such as Blight and Ritual. Some Atlas Passive Skills have changed, and double-anointed Amulets can now drop in Blight-Ravaged Maps. They’ve also introduced a new type of oil that can only drop from Blighted and Blight-Ravaged Maps.

    Quality Of Life Changes

    Finally, we come to some of the quality of life changes that the developers have added to the new leagues.

    You no longer have to interact with Waypoints to unlock a vault. You can just walk over and they’ll automatically activate. And you’ll be able to pick up items from farther away when using a keyboard and mouse.

    They’re also looking into adding Static Life bars to some bosses. Not all bosses will have them at the moment, but more will be added over time.

    You can now view Divination Cards dropped on each map by hovering over them in Atlas.

    When you die, you can now revive without having to reactivate all reservation effects, such as Auras and Heralds. You can start Harvest encounters with just one action.

    The amount of Quality provided by currency items like Whetstones is now based on item level, not item rarity. These currencies now apply 20% of the quality to very low-level items, and that amount decreases as the item level increases.

    In short, Settlers of Kalguur is a very experimental league, and its new mechanics will completely change the way you play the core game. The above we have shared are just some of the core content in POE 3.25, and there are many more contents that have not been touched. If you want to experience all the gameplay, then please get ready and enter the game together on July 26!

  • POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur Will Introduce City-Building Simulation Elements

    Longtime free-to-play action RPG Path of Exile will include farm and city building elements in the next update, bringing the survival crafting elements that are all the rage in PC games to the game.

    Settlers of Kalguur is the updated name of Path of Exile 3.25. Although the original King’s March was just a tavern and a small farm, you can now build a town in the new area of ​​King’s March to make King’s March develop.

    Gold Economy And Resource Development

    In addition, you can also use gold to hire people to do all the mining/business/odd jobs for you, and a lot of gold will drop in this season, which guarantees that you can hire and build.

    In order to expand or get more resources, you need to grow special resources in the deserted area and find the veins guarded by demons. The workers you hire will collect resources under a timer, like most free games. In order to access classic features, you can also build new shops and buildings, such as weapon fusion, new features, or Black Market, where you can exchange your POE Currency for random weapons.

    Don’t get too invested in the city-building aspects of King’s March, or you’ll be invaded by three special bosses that are exclusive to this season. You can choose to simply kick their asses. The fight will be tough, but they will drop outstanding loot that is exclusive to this season. If you don’t want to fight, you can also choose to make a deal with them so that they don’t kidnap your workers.

    When Can You Access This Mode?

    You can access it very quickly after the new season starts. Once you get through the tutorial (Strand) and reach your first town center, you will access the city-building and capitalism mechanics. Grinding Gear Games hopes that this season will be fun for both new and old players.

    While Path of Exile will still be harder than most action RPGs, the city-building and town management aspects are at least another goal that players can reach and complete, and ultimately get better gear from all the simulation busy work.

    It’s surprising that it took Grinding Gear Games this long to add town-building and survival-sim aspects to its long-running action-RPG. While they’re somewhat similar to V Rising and Valheim, Settlers of Kalguur isn’t inspired by those survival games. When the game’s leaders talked about getting new ideas for PoE expansions, city building came to mind. With each alliance, the game’s production team hopes to push the boundaries and introduce an X Factor to make it stand out; city building may become the core appeal of the next expansion.

    There’s More

    The changes to Path of Exile are not only in city building and management, but there are also a lot of balance changes, updates, and quality of life upgrades. These are all derived from player feedback. Gladiator Ascendancy class is getting a massive overhaul. Gladiator Ascendency class will get a lot of attack speed and damage buffs, as well as a wonderful bonus for dual wielding weapons.

    Raider Ascendancy class will be replaced by the superior Warden, who gets special bonuses for using Elemental attacks. This means that Shock and Freeze will give Wardens attack bonuses and take them to crazy heights. The Ignite effect will also be upgraded to be more effective Scorch.

    Wardens can also use Tinctures exclusively, which are special potions that enhance their Elemental bonuses more effectively than any consumable, but at the cost of draining your mana. All classes can use these, but Wardens can use an additional Tincture at a time if they allocate enough points in that section of Ascendancy tree.

    Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur will add more content to the endgame, more Scarabs for map modifiers, additional map device slots, new special encounters like Nameless Seer, new updates to League, and the return of fan-favorite Affliction League mechanics and stages like Wildwood.

    This is the biggest Path of Exile expansion in a long time, and past Leagues didn’t feel all that rewarding and even had economy leaks. So it sounds like this 3.25 update might fix all of those issues, or at least mitigate most of them, making the game feel fresh and accessible, but still hard overall. At least you won’t be going through a grueling grind to get to King’s March section.

    Settlers of Kalguur is not only a bold innovation for Path of Exile but also an interesting attempt at the entire action role-playing game genre. This update will be released on July 26, and players can look forward to experiencing richer and more diverse content in Path of Exile.

  • Path Of Exile Vendor Recipes Guide (2024)


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    Name: Tuan Roob DDS

    Birthday: 1999-11-20

    Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

    Phone: +9617721773649

    Job: Marketing Producer

    Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.